Your wedding ceremony is a time to tell the people you love most in your life “Your Story”. Why? Because your story is unique and it’s your opportunity not only to explain how crazy in love You both are but to share that with all of the people that made the journey with you.
So … Let’s meet over coffee or a wine/beer & chat about what you both have in mind. Hopefully we’ll have a great feeling about each other & be on the same page … I’m pretty relaxed & easy going 🙂
We’ll meet again to complete the legal stuff & we’ll have a chat about how you met, fell in love & your journey together so far. I’ll write your story & together we will create a unique ceremony… we’ll laugh, have some happy tears (I have tissues) and we’ll get a little serious & finally on the big day you will become Mr & Mrs ! So let’s start the journey to the “happily ever after part”.
Your Wedding Day will undoubtedly be right up there on your ‘most amazing day of my life’ scale so Inwant to totally nail it for you both !
I will be your wing person, confidant and sounding board – we’re in this together !!
So Congratulations on finding the best thing that ever happened to you … I really can’t wait to meet you both xox