Plenty Catering Co. Wedding Caterers

Location: South Australia
Award-winning unique gourmet and total event Gold Licenced catering servicing city or country.

Adelaide’s premier wedding caterer Plenty Catering Co. offers an unrivaled dining experience for your special occasion.

With a professional, experienced and flexible wedding planning team that is dedicated to ensure your wedding is perfect we have a history of delivering successful events that will have your guests talking for years to come.

We understand that weddings have a host of challenges and catering is an integral part of your big day – for this reason we offer specialised packages to suit your venue and tastes.

Consulting with our clients we take into consideration all of the facets of your event, whether it be a cocktail party to remember, a sumptuous buffet or a full sit down fine dining dinner, we have fully trained and experienced staff to ensure the service matches the exquisite food.

Plenty Catering Co. is fully licenced so can plan not only all of your dining options but also manage all of the beverage requirements for a smooth integrated experience.

With weddings becoming more contemporary we cater for both indoor and outdoor events, we also offer a full planning service that encompasses venue hire, equipment hire from marquees to event furniture for a seamless wedding to remember.

Plenty Catering Co. realise that you only get one chance to make a first impression – we look forward to being at your service.


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