Elegant Occasions Weddings Decorations

Location: Melbourne
The talented team at Elegant Occasions have been planning and styling unforgettable weddings and events across Melbourne for more than 30 years. Elegant Occasions will take the stress out of wedding planning and bring your dreams to life in the most effortless way possible as they transform your venue into a stunning space with stylish decor items and dreamy floral arrangements.

If you’re looking for a dedicated team of professional wedding planners and stylists for your Melbourne wedding, Elegant Occasions is an excellent choice. With over 30 years of event styling experience and plenty of glowing five-star reviews here on Easy Weddings, you can’t go wrong working with this expert team for your wedding. From start to finish, they’ll guide you through the entire wedding planning process, ensuring a relaxed and stress-free experience.

Once you’ve booked your venue, you might feel overwhelmed when it comes to the styling and decor elements of your wedding. Elegant Occasions will take the stress out of your wedding planning while working closely with you to ensure your vision comes to life effortlessly. Their talented team of stylists will transform your venue into a stunning reception or ceremony space, with dreamy floral arrangements, gorgeous table centrepieces, beautiful backdrops, and more.


“Everything I wanted was done, and more. I knew in my head how I wanted things, and Elegant Occasions did it all and exceeded my expectations. Elegant Occasions are affordable without reducing quality. They did everything from the flowers, table arrangements, hall decorations and bridal table, cake and backdrop. Highly recommend Elegant Occasions to all.” – Juliana T.


What services do Elegant Occasions provide?

  • Event Planning. The talented team at Elegant Occasions have planned and styled thousands of weddings and events across Melbourne, from boutique celebrations to lavish wedding receptions. Embracing all nationalities, cultural backgrounds and beliefs, this team knows precisely what it takes to create a seamless wedding experience that your guests will remember for years to come.
  • Event Styling. From picking your dream wedding venue, planning the perfect theme and choosing your perfect cake or styling components, putting together a wedding requires a lot of planning and effort. Elegant Occasions goes that extra mile when styling your wedding to ensure the finished look exceeds your expectations. They offer numerous products and styling services, including venue styling, floral arrangements, decor hire, balloon arches and garlands, and wedding cakes.
  • Decor Hire. Elegant Occasions offer a huge range of hire items for wedding receptions and ceremonies, from beautiful backdrops to stunning table centrepieces. Their extensive collection of hire items includes tablecloths, chair covers, arches, backdrops, plinths, cake stands, easels, vases, candelabras, wishing wells, table numbers, and flower walls.


What’s included in your wedding reception packages?

Elegant Occasions’ Gold Reception package includes chair covers with sashes, table centrepieces, cloth napkins, table runners, a mirror base for centrepieces, linen tablecloths, a backdrop with lights and draping, a table skirt for the bridal table and cake table, a silk flower bridal table runner, and an entrance arch or candelabras with silk flowers.


What’s included in your wedding ceremony packages?

Elegant Occasions’ Ceremony Package 3 includes 24 chairs, a five-metre red or white carpet, signing table with two chairs, arch with silk flowers, welcome board, flower on chairs on aisle and bride and groom chairs, small silk flower arrangement and tablecloth on the signing table, and delivery, set up and pack down within 15 kilometres from the showroom.


Can I organise my wedding flowers through Elegant Occasions?

Yes! The talented florists at Elegant Occasions will work closely with you to create beautiful fresh floral arrangements for your wedding. They can create bridal bouquets, buttonholes, table centrepieces and more.


Highlights of Elegant Occasions:

  • Professional wedding planning and styling services
  • Travelling across Melbourne
  • Beautiful hire items ranging from table decor to backdrops
  • Six ceremony and reception packages to choose from
  • Also offering wedding cakes, floral arrangements, and balloon arches

“Elegant Occasions created beautiful decorations and table settings for our reception. I’m a perfectionist, and my mind was totally at ease, letting them take control and make my wedding venue beautiful.” – Emma M.


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