Scott Adams Photography / Videography Wedding Photography

Location: Tasmania, Victoria and parts of Queensland
Personalised and Natural Wedding Photography, Videography and Livestreaming. Tailored just for you.

Some things that make Scott Adams Photography / Videography unique:

  • They offer PhotographyVideography, and Livestreaming services for elopements to full wedding coverage
  • Their packages are created and tailored just for you and your needs
  • Nearly all tailored packages include an assistant, and or a second photographer/videographer
  • There is no set limit to image quantities and are all delivered in high resolution
  • They are not hourly based (unless requested). They cover segments like “Getting Ready”, “Ceremony”, Couple & Group Photos” etc so you don’t have to stress about the time
  • They will capture you from the sky, with free drone/aerial coverage, where possible
  • There is absolutely no travel costs or extra charges.
  • Celebrants, Musicians, DJ’s, Car hire, Photobooths and even some venues can all be included in your tailored packages
  • They offer ongoing wedding consultation and support
  • You, your needs, your dreams, and wishes are all that matters so that you feel comfortable on your wedding day, and having a camera pointed at you





Fixed packages are so impersonal, Scott Adams Photography takes pride on offering carefully tailored photography and filming packages to suit each couple and each wedding, with the option of livestreaming for guests that can’t make it on the day.

They are known for being a flexible, supportive, comforting, professional team, working to suit different budgets and needs.


Scott Adams Photography offers a unique, personalised approach where time is taken to get to know you both, your dreams, wishes and the things that set you both apart from everyone else.  Scott enjoys meeting up over a coffee or maybe organising a pre wedding photoshoot to spend time together to get to know you both, and help you feel comfortable on your wedding day.


They take a natural approach to their work, there is no posing or making you feel uncomfortable on your wedding day.  In taking the time to get to know you, they can learn ways to work with you so that you feel relaxed and comfortable being yourselves around the camera and on your wedding day.



None of Scott Adams Photography’s work is posed, they are just relaxed, comfortable couples enjoying their special day, as it should be.



Although heavily booked already for 2021, 2022 and 2023 why not send an enquiry today to check if your date is available!




Other couples feedback speak for themselves:


“The photos are truly amazing!! I never dreamed I would have such beautiful photos. I loved your work before our day but seeing you capture us in such a stunning and comfortable way, I am in tears at how lucky I am to receive them.” – Lara & Andrew


“Scott was the perfect person to capture our day! Not once did we feel pressured by him and not once did we feel like we had to guide him with what we wanted although he was very open to our opinions! He was a main talking point in the room the minute he left, our guests were very impressed by his work, dedication and relaxed personality. We had no idea what we were going to face on our big day but he really made it so special for us and we will always be grateful for that.” Michaela

“Professional, friendly and just makes you feel so relaxed in front of the camera. He captured my wedding perfectly and the photos turned out way better than I ever could have imagined.” Jemima


For more reviews, visit Scott Adams Photography on Facebook


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